St. Perpetua School Board 2024/2025

St. Perpetua School Consultative School Board Mission Statement:

A Consultative School Board provides advice and counsel in the following:

• Formulation of the mission statement

• Strategic planning – long-term direction of the school

• Policy as determined by the Pastor and Principal

• Evaluation of policies, plans, mission effectiveness and Board self-evaluation

• Institutional advancement to enhance image, enrollment and financial viability (development)

• Financial planning, annual budget development, monitoring and reporting

• Communications of school policies and activities to school constituencies (public relations)


The St. Perpetua School Board is a consultative board that has as its primary concern the furthering of school goals. The major responsibility of the School Board is maintaining the financial health of the school. All members of the Board are eager to serve the school and Parish community, and are open as a body to suggestions and comments. By advising and assisting the school Principal, and by hearing and representing the school community at large, the Board shall work to enable the faculty, parents and students to reach their agreed upon goals.